Grow Your Retail Business With These Customer Engagement Hacks

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Mapletree Business City, 30 Pasir Panjang Rd, Singapore 117440

13th May 2022, 09:00 AM SGT
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The Importance of Cross-channel Personalization in Retail

Modern retail businesses are facing a multitude of challenges in maneuvering the changing landscape of consumer expectations. The definition of communication is changing rapidly, and omnichannel service is a prominent expectation as channel-hopping is becoming the norm among customers.

Therefore, omnichannel customer engagement is the winning move that modern retail businesses need to thrive in today’s digital age. Most retailers are waking up to this phenomenon.

  • There are 7.9 million ecommerce retailers in the world.
  • 98.6% of all retail firms are small retailers with 50 employees or less.
  • According to 45 percent of organizations, artificial intelligence solutions will reshape their customer experience (CX) in the next five years.
  • 70% of consumers prefer communication with brands to involve multiple options, including chatbots, video chat, and push notifications, according to a 2020 report.

Event will highlight on aspects impacting customer engagement within retail businesses:

  • Breaking down tech-silos in retail

    Know how to recognize and break down tech silos to infuse cross-channel campaigns within retail marketing strategies that drive successful customer engagement.

  • Going from single to multi-channel

    Learn how to communicate with your consumers across all platforms, including social media, mobile, web, email, and direct mail.

  • Integrating communication through multiple channels

    Figure out strategies to streamline and simplify cross-channel execution and marketing operations to optimize the entire customer experience.

  • Transitioning from batch-and-blast to 1:1 omnichannel

    Get insights on how to prioritize personalization in your retail business by engaging your customers with intelligent personalization, using data and AI. Leverage the power of contextual and timely messaging.

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